
Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Hold on.
Take a step. 
Move back. 


The mind is, 
here, nor there, 
nor then, 'til now. 


Reality fades, 
Dreams wander, 
Taking over mind's eternal,


Monday, December 20, 2010

Blow 'em up.

I can't express,
These feelings clearly.

Hazed in confusion,
and glistening wonder.

Life proves failure,
disbelief, and corruption.
Ending in dreaded nights,
and regretful mornings.

Wake up to this,
Big bright disaster,
Spinning fast,
In a thoughtful dust storm.

It's overwhelming,
With desperation,
And time bombed words.

There's the trigger,
There it goes.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Hide behind,
That forged smile.

Those words that seep,
Through rivers deep lie. 

Pretend your world, 
Rotates on perfect precision. 

And don’t let a blink, 
Come between your, 
Magnificent dream. 

This web you’ve woven, 
Will unwind. 

‘Til then, 

Hide behind, 
That forged smile. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mr. Sandman

Among night’s stars,
Are the sands of time.

Turned bright,
Dazzling lights,
Those radiant eyes.

Peering through,
True darkness’ gaze.
Hovering over,
Mountains’ shoulder.

Stalking through,
Unveiling territory,
And hunting for the,
Moon’s bright lie.

Crisp in winter’s air,
Stood still.
Alive through,
Water’s alternate realm. 

Tuned to Earth’s,
Indefinite heartbeat,
A pendulum of,
Nature’s eternal rhythm.

Age envelops,
All in wonder;
Withers down life’s course edges.

Travel through,
This ripened era,
Within one glance,
Upon the hour.

Take a pinch of,
Grainy white sand,
Transformed to black,
By raging periods.

Hold it firm,
(Dear to heart)
For within them are,
Existence’ meaning.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Release Me.

Heart pounds. 
Chest tightens. 
The room, 
It spins in rapid movement. 

Voices dwindle,
Motion slows down,
And I’m trapped within, 
My cellared self. 

Response time, 
Takes a doubled toll. 
Thoughts triple, 
In time’s webbed weave. 

Lost within this panicked trance, 
I fear the moment someone notices. 
That moment’s seldom, 
Although destined. 

Till that moment, 
My mind lies, 
In tight chains, 
Against a cold stone floor. 

Waiting to be released...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Emotions break through the floodgates of my mind, 
Raging winds spindle past with endless fury, 
Waves crash down and trample through learned paths. 

Cursing, crying, pleading, 
Begging, pity, 
Rains down in short seasons. 

I Sink down in my ceaseless lies, 
Tugging at my sinful cloak. 
Further and further I fall, 
With boots of cement cutting the way. 

Below me I see my destined course,
Lined by darkness, 
Consuming all. 

Sharp objects, 
Cut through my tender flesh, 
This open wound, 
Which does not heal. 

I land upon my knees, 
Broken and dismantled. 

Here is my plea.